
Welcome to the Water services page #We_care

The water services provided by the Company cover all the Willayats of Dhofar Governorate and include a main water network covering the main cities (Salalah, Taqah, and Mirbat). The two water desalination plants in the Ashur, that have a combined total capacity of 40 million gallons per day are the main source of water in the main network. Water networks extend from these two stations and include the main pumping lines for the three Willayats to feed the public reservoirs. The storage capacity of water in the Salalah city from reservoirs is 47 million gallons. In addition to the desalination plants, there are back-up ground wells with production capacity of approximately 9 million gallons per day, namely the Al-Saada water wells and the Salalah water wells (total of 23 wells). The length of the water network in Salalah city is 1,661 km, and it includes pipelines that distribute water to homes. As for the remaining Willayats, the water is supplied through independent desalination plants and local water distribution networks.

Water services

Contact us

Address: Salalah – No 5
Official working hours: 7:30 am - 2:30 pm (Sundays to Thursdays)
Phone: 23373500/99277980

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