
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Terms and Condition

We agree to:

  • provide you with a supply of electricity to the premises and from the date agreed above;
  • let you know by SMS or email and publish a notice in the newspapers and on our website at least 2 days in advance, if your supply must be interrupted temporarily. For example, because we need to maintain or repair our network, or equipment we have installed at your premises;
  • publish regular updates on our website if for any reason there is an emergency interruption to our ability to supply you with electricity, for example as a result of bad weather, equipment failure, or the actions of another contractor or individual;
  • read your meter or estimate your consumption at least monthly, unless you have a pre-payment meter installed at your premises;
  • provide you with a monthly bill for the electricity you have consumed;
  • charge you on the basis of the permitted tariff approved by the Council of Ministers and such other fees as may be approved by the Authority for Electricity Regulation;
  • send your bill to your nominated email address (if provided) and summary details by SMS message and enable you to view your current bill and previous bills at ​
  • deliver a paper copy of your bill to the premises above at the time your meter is read, if you wish us to do so;
  • provide facilities to permit you to pay your bill by cash, cheque, credit card or bank transfer, as you prefer;
  • test your meter if you feel it is or may be inaccurate, providing you agree to pay us the approved fee, though the fee will be waived if the meter is shown to be inaccurate; and
  • Replace your meter free of charge if it is inaccurate, or obsolete, unless it has been damaged by your actions or neglect. (Note that in such circumstances we may charge you for a replacement, or ask you to repair or replace it);
  • Treat as confidential any information we hold about your account and not to share it with anyone, unless permitted to do so by the Authority for Electricity Regulation.​

You agree to:

  • provide an approved and appropriate electricity meter, unless there is already an approved meter installed at your premises;
  • pay us for the electricity you have consumed, by the due date shown on your bill;
  • let us know if you have problems paying your bill and to ask us for advice and for a copy of our approved Late Payment Code of Practice;
  • not interfere with or cause damage to the meter or any other equipment we have reasonably installed at your premises;
  • let us know as soon as possible if you think there is a problem with our equipment;
  • allow us reasonable access to the premises for the purpose of reading and inspecting the meter and other equipment belonging to us;
  • let us know if there is any change to your contact details; and
  • Let us know with at least 7 days’ notice if you no longer require a supply of electricity at the above premises.

This agreement does not in any way restrict or prejudice any statutory rights you may enjoy in accordance with Omani Law.

This agreement shall remain valid until it is modified in accordance with Condition 38 of our electricity Distribution and Supply Licence.

  • If you need more information get in touch with our Customer Contact Centre.
  • If you need to file a complaint you may do so by phone, email, in writing, or in person at our offices. Please ask for a copy of our approved Complaint Handling Procedure or go to our website to find it.
  • Without prejudice to your statutory rights we do not accept liability for any indirect or consequential loss you may suffer, such as loss of use, revenue or profit, or increased cost of working, arising out of or in connection with the terms of this agreement to supply electricity to your premises.
  • If our actions cause direct damage to your electrical equipment please let us have as much detail as possible of your claim in order for us to investigate the matter, assess the evidence available and decide if compensation should be paid to you.
  • Nothing above shall restrict your right to claim compensation in Court should you decide you wish to submit a claim, but you should let us have the chance to resolve the matter first, in accordance with the approved Complaint Handling Procedure.

Disconnection of your electricity supply

We believe that disconnecting your electricity supply is a last resort. We have the right to do so if you do not pay us but will follow the procedure specified in our Late Payment Code of Practice.

We may also disconnect you if you use the electricity we supply to you to give a supply to another person, in an unsafe manner or for some purpose other than your normal residential use.

Our contact details and how to find out more

We will publish and make available on our website, via email and in printed form at our offices a range of information designed to help you understand this agreement including:

  • a statement of the approved residential tariffs and fees;
  • our approved Late Payment Code of Practice;
  • our approved Code of Practice relating to the efficient use of electricity and other related guidance we feel customers might find useful;
  • our approved Code of Practice for services to customers with special needs;
  • our Customer Charter;
  • our approved Complaint Handling Procedure;
  • the approved metering rules;
  • a statement of our approved procedure for estimating electricity consumption when we have not read your meter; and
  • our approved Connection Agreement.

Please contact us to obtain a copy of any of these documents or any other information you feel we may be able to provide or visit our website, as detailed below.

Customer contact centre: 80077700




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