
​​​​​​Corporate Social Responsibility

Nama Dhofar Services Company operates responsibly and strives to maintain the local environment while also meeting the energy needs of the Dhofar Governorate, both now and in the future.

It is our duty to give back to the community, through education, awareness and the volunteer actions of our staff.

Cooperate Social Responsibility


The committee consist of all the CEO’s of NAMA Group companies.

  • We aim to ensure that the group remains profitable and achieve the targeted rates of returns.
  • We aim to ensure fair treatment of all suppliers and service providers through the strict implementation of the government tender law.
  • We aim to spend annual investment on training and developing young talent to help them run successfully micro and small business.

Dhofar Power Company, as part of the Nama Group, shares the same ideals as the entire group, bringing companies from across the Sultanate of Oman together under one clear vision for sustainability in the energy sector.

We are committed to a triple bottom line approach that focuses on Social, Environmental and Economic impact of our activities.

  • We aim to encourage our staff to spend at least one work day per annum on volunteering activities.
  • We aim to spend some annual amount on contributions to charitable causes in Oman.
  • We aim to ensure that all customers have access to safe and reliable electricity throughout the country.
  • We aim to reduce the Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) to our staff and contractor to less than 1 per million work hours.
  • Annual Investment on campaigns to encourage residential customers to reduce electricity consumption.
  • We aim to understand and reduce carbon footprint per MW of electricity and water produced to international standards.
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